Credit Approval Proces
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In a financial institution, credit analysts must manually verify a large number of customer loan applications. This process is slow and tedious, requiring analysts to access various pages of the bank’s website to obtain the necessary information. Additionally, the manual process does not allow for constant monitoring of applications. This can lead to issues if the customer experiences any changes, such as a shift in their financial situation.
To address this problem, an automated solution was developed for the pre-approved Payroll Loans credit ratification process. This solution consists of the following steps:
- Verification of the number of credit applications for each customer.
- Verification of the requested credit amount.
- Monitoring the verification, in-depth analysis, and approval process of the credit.
Verification of the customer’s identity (email).
Credit ratification.
The automated solution navigates the financial institution’s web pages, LP, Ágil, and Who is Who to obtain credit information. If the credit is approved, the solution notifies the success in the log. Otherwise, the solution records the observation for which the credit was not approved.
The automated solution has allowed:
- Verify credit approval in less than 1 minute.
- Validate if the customer has one or more credit applications.
- Validate if the customer completed the identity verification process.
- In total, the automated solution processes 68,400 applications per month.
The manual credit verification process was a bottleneck for the financial institution. The time spent on this process could be used for other more strategic tasks.
The automated solution has freed up credit analysts to focus on more complex and higher-value tasks. Additionally, the solution has improved the efficiency and quality of the credit ratification process.